Here’s a free PDF sneaker design template to help you design your sneakers.
If you’re anything like me, you might find it hard to imagine what your new sneakers will look like. Now you can download our sneaker design templates and use them to spark your creativity!
Sneaker Design Options
With our sneaker making workshops, you get lots of colour options on different parts of the sneakers. Here are some options to consider:
- Sole colour – this is the bottom, the rubberised part of the shoe. For most of our sizes from womens’ 41 and men’s 38 and up, you can choose a black or white sole. For smaller sizes, we currently offer white soles
- Leather – You can choose one or two different types of leather to use on the body of the shoe and the heel tab (at the back). Have a look at our sneaker making page to see some samples and get an idea of whether you’d prefer one main colour or two. Search “leather” on our site to find our latest leather options.
- Eyelets – these are the reinforcing rings that the shoelaces go through. There are sooo many different colours to choose from including gold, silver, black, white and most of the rainbow! You can even use different colours on one shoe.
- Shoelaces – these can make a surprisingly big difference to the look of your shoe. Try out a few different options and see what you think.
- Shoe thread – you can choose many different colours for the thread to attach your leather. A little hard to draw perhaps, without a very steady hand.
How to use the Sneaker Design Template
- Download, print it out, colour it in
Personally, I always find PDFs easiest to print out. I’d recommend downloading either the single or the 4-on-one-sheet PDF option if you plan to print this out. It’s formatted to print on A4 paper - Download and edit in your favourite image software/app
You can open a PDF or JPG in most image editing applications like Photoshop, then select a tool like the paint bucket to add colour - No printer or image editing software?
You’re in luck! Download one of the JPG files then read our intro below about how to colour it in online (free, no registration required) with Sumopaint
Download Sneaker Design Templates Here
How to Edit Online with Sumopaint
- Once you’ve downloaded one of the JPG files above, open up Sumopaint –
- Go to “File” and choose “Open from HD“
- Select the file you downloaded and click “Open“
- Select the paint bucket tool from the left-hand side menu bar, and choose a colour for your paint bucket at the top of the toolbar, then click on the picture to tip the paint (see image below).
- Go to File -> Export to save your masterpiece

Let us know if you have any questions or any issues. We’d love to see your designs, tag us on Instagram (@makemeworkshopsandkits). Enjoy!